The Charter for Small Waters

Around 75% of England’s freshwaters are small waterbodies including streams, ponds, small lakes, springs, flushes and ditches. These habitats support over 70% of our freshwater species and provide essential resources and connectivity across the wider landscape. Small waters represent a significant opportunity to take efficient and effective measures to drive environmental improvement and argues forContinue reading “The Charter for Small Waters”

Tidal River Thames Citizens’ Jury on Rethinking Water

The Rethinking Water Citizens’ Jury was organised by the Environment Agency and a Local Advisory Group, working with the Involve Foundation; an independent charity, who acted as the main point of contact for jury members throughout the process. The jury, which took place in March 2022, debated local issues, shared ideas and questioned environmental experts on all aspectsContinue reading “Tidal River Thames Citizens’ Jury on Rethinking Water”