Cam Catchment

The Cam is the largest catchment within the scope of CamEO, and covers two WFD Surface Water Operational Catchments Cam Lower (11 water bodies) and Cam Rhee and Granta (18 water bodies) and the City of Cambridge. Many of the local water bodies are chalk streams, some of the most ecologically rare habitats on the planet.

Only one water body in the two operational catchments achieved ‘Good ecological status’ (Wendon Brook). Most of the water bodies are classed as ‘Moderate’, with four classed as ‘Poor’ (2019 data). The most frequently observed Reasons for Not Achieving Good (RNAG) ecological status for water bodies in our area are: Physical Modification, Point Pollution from localised sources including sewage, Diffuse Pollution from urbanisation and agricuture, and Low Flows due to groundwater abstraction. 

The Cam Catchment Partnership operates here, championing river improvements and community engagement.

See also:

We’re working with partners in the area to update the content on this page. Please send any comments or feedback to [email protected].