
CamEO (Cam and Ely Ouse) is a partnership initiative hosted by the Rivers Trust and supported by the Environment Agency.
The aim of this site is to provide a portal for sharing information about the Cam and Ely Ouse Catchment, to set out our catchment plan and to let you know how to get involved.


  • Little Ouse and Thet Catchment Meeting
    10am – 12 noon Thursday 26th September on Teams. Agenda will be posted soon. Contact [email protected] to book a spot.
  • CamEO Conference
    The annual CamEO Conference will take place from 9.30am to 3pm on Wednesday 6th November in Bury St Edmunds. The event is cost free and lunch is provided. Booking is essential here.
  • CamEO Storymap is now live!
    The story of our wonderfully complex catchment is now being told. You can find it here

Our Catchment

Our catchment encompasses Cambridge, Ely, Bury St Edmunds, and Thetford. The catchment is split into five sub-catchments: Cam, Lark, Little Ouse & Thet, South Level, and Wissey. Within these five sub-catchments there are 73 waterbodies, only seven of which are currently achieving Good water quality.